About five years ago shortly after I started my private practice in the north of Germany, close to Flensburg, I hurt myself doing a pistol squat on a slackline.
that's a pistol squat
As I was always strong enough to do that I didn't think of anything that could happen, but right as I started to ascend from a fully flexed knee position (a movement that needs quite a bit of strength and the angles in which the force is applied from the upper to the lower leg results in a very strong strain in the knee) I felt a sharp pain in my right knee, I heard a popping sound and lost my strength.
I very likely injured my outer meniscus.
It took months to get back to my full range of motion which included squats.
The reason I am telling this story is that I finally found some knee exercises that worked for me and I want to share them:
In this video Dr. Aaron Horschig explains how to perform a touchdown squad.
I really appreciate his work and can just urge you to check it out. In addition to his exercise-driven approach, I help my patients by balancing their nervous system osteopathically. With that, the responsiveness to exercises is even better.